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Trent Bridge F115

Identifier TBRFF0115
Sex Male
Tattoo F115
Birth date 27 June 2010
Calving date 2010
Registration status Registered Australia
Sire Itoshigenami TF148 (Imp USA)
Dam Trent Bridge F C212 (AI) (ET)
Breeder Trent Bridge Wagyu Stud
Owner Trent Bridge Wagyu Stud
Australian distributor Trent Bridge Wagyu Stud
Export distributor Wagyu International
Grade Fullblood
Colour Black
Wagyu Content 100%
DNA # 255740 Verified to parents
Genetic Test Status B3 FU, CHS F, CL16 FU, F11 F
Gene Tests CHS - Free and F11 - Free
Fullblood Rotation Group (16/16) D
Prefectural bloodlines 75% Tajima, 3% Kedaka, 0% Tottori, 20% Itozakura, 0.6% Shimane, 0.8% Hiroshima and 0% Other
Consolidation 75% Tajima, 3% Kedaka and 21% Fujiyoshi

Trent Bridge F115 Fullblood Wagyu bull with carcass progeny

Trent Bridge F115 with 75% Tajima content has superior marbling from leading bloodlines which trace back to Japan.
Trent Bridge F115 is Group D in the Wagyu Fullblood Rotational Programme so has a valuable role in Fullblood breeding. Fullblood Wagyu herds will benefit from F115 semen as progeny derived over high growth and high milk dams will be complemented by the powerful marbling IMF%, thick loin area and also the quality through fineness of marbling that he brings. His pedigree is endorsed by superior carcass breeding predictions from Breedplan from carcass data from progeny.
Trent Bridge F115 is tested free of F11, CHS and IARS, and there is no history of known recessive conditions in his pedigree so he can be used with confidence in seed stock herds.
Trent Bridge F115 semen will be particularly valuable for crossing over conventional base breeds to improve premium eating quality from increased intramuscular fat, loin wieght and improved fineness of marbling. He will be particularly well suited for F1, F2 and F3 production over medium to large size breeds. He is structurally sound as he has covered cows in rugged range conditions.
Wagyu, in general, produce light calves at birth, but Trent Bridge F115 possesses extremely low birth weight EBVs. Trent Bridge F115 semen will present small calves so can be used to open heifers.

Pedigree of Trent Bridge F115
Pedigree for Trent Bridge F115 Wagyu bull accredited for export in Spanish marketed by Wagyu International

Sire of Trent Bridge F115 is Itoshigenami TF148. He is the Foundation sire exported from Japan that has the highest Itoshigenami TF148 Wagyu foundation bull sire of Trent Bridge F115Marble Score estimated breeding value is still ranked in the top 1%, as is his Terminal Carcase Index too. The value from Kumanami was not recognised in Japan until more recently when good marbling was attributed to Shigekanenami blood through the maternal side. Itoshigenami and Suzutani are both descendants from Shigekanenami. Sire of Itoshigenami, Shigeshigenami, was line bred to Shigekanenami. Both Itoshigenami and Suzutani have the highest EBVs for marbling amongst their peers for sires and dams respectively.
An ancestor from Itoshigenami’s maternal side, Dai 7 Itozakura, is the most prominent Fujiyoshi sire in Japan known to pass on a large frame from strong growth rate and he was the first Japanese Black sire whose progeny scored above 1k/day on test.
F115's dam, Trent Bridge Wagyu C212, is sired by Kitateruyasu Doi “003” and Michifuku is her maternal great-grandsire. Both of these males are descendants of Yasumi Doi. Yasumi Doi is considered to be one of the leaders of the highest marbling Tajima line with origins in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan. Last year, again, his dam's newest son was the best of his year despite being sired by a moderate marbling bull himself. All of his F1 progeny in the cohort graded AUS-MEAT marbling 9 or 9+ out of Angus dams.

Prefectural content

Trent Bridge C212, is still alive in the Trent Bridge Wagyu herd having established herself as the best dam from seven registered Fullblood progeny from natural mating plus embryos. Her Grandsire is Itozuru Doi TF151 who contributes growth and milk from his Dai 7 Itozakura ancestry and also the Kedaka line through Nishizuru. Trent Bridge C212 comprises 74% Tajima, 16% Fujiyoshi and 7% Kedaka.

Prefectural bloodlines for Trent Bridge F115
GROUP Taji Keda Tott Itoz Shim Okay Hiro Othe
D 75% 3% 0% 20% 0.6% 0.2% 0.8% 0%

Sire Itoshigenami is 75% Tajima which comes from the Kumanami line with origins from Tajiri. The remaining 25% in Itoshigenami pedigree is Fujiyoshi – from Itozakura. The dam, Trent Bridge C212 is 76% Tajima. Her sire is Kitateruyasu Doi who brings Yasumi Doi line Tajima from his dam and Kikumi Doi line Tajima from his sire. Trent Bridge C212 complements the marbling with milk and growth from 6% Kedaka and 16% Fujiyoshi primarily from Itozuru Doi TF151 through her dam.

Another of C212's sons was rated as the sire with highest value through JBS feedlot in Australia.

Carcass progeny and genomic EBVs

Breedplan Estimated Breeding Values for Trent Bridge F115
Estimated Breeding Values for Ternt Bridge F115

Estimted Breeding Values for Trent Bridge F115 charted against midpoint for Wagyu breed from Breedplan
Trent Bridge F115 has been proven from 2 scanned progeny and 4 carcass progeny. The Self Replacing Index (SRI), Fullbllood Terminal and F1 Terminal Indexes are all within the Top 20% of the December 2023 BreedPlan Run. Eye Muscle Area EBV is also Top 20% and Marble Fineness is slightly better in the Top 17%.

Top 20% SRI confirms a role for Trent Bridge in Fullblood breeding programs. Top 20% in both Terminal Indexes from carcass progeny after digital analysis confirms too that there are strong economic gains from Trent Bridge F115 in beef production programs from intensive grain production. The double benefit from Itoshigenami and Kitateruyasudoi has been shown to previal in his DNA.

The BMS score in Japan is directly related to intramuscular fat percentage and has been the prime driver for price of Wagyu beef. More recently, through the use of the Obihiro University digital camera, the economic importance of marbling fineness has been recognised in the market and is reflected in the pricing in Japan. Trent Bridge F115 strongest attribute is Fineness of Marbling.

Finishing on pasture

There is finishing off grass and from grain in the UK. A producer in Northern Ireland has been sending photos of some cuts and intermittent data of Fullblood and F2 production off pasture to Wagyu International. The small herd only processes one head every few months so there are no cohorts to make direct comparisons but it has been interesting to observe how some sires that are proven with carcass progeny from feedlots in Australia are performing off-grass in Europe.

As expected, sires with strong growth EBVs give fastest weight gains off grass. The highest marbling and eating quality has recently been produced by progeny from Trent Bridge F115. His slower growth tends to let him be overlooked but his carcass progeny in Australia have posted him in the Top 20% Marble Score, Marble Fineness and EMA genomic EBVs. This testimony is reflected by highest marbling, good size loin cuts and fineness of marbling from grass in Europe.

Sirloin from Wagyu Riversdale Fernandes son of Trent Bridge F115 with IMF50% marbling from pasture

This producer follows local husbandry practices. There are seasonal fluctuations in live weight. The growth rate of two 2020 Fullblood Wagyu steers is shown in the chart below.

Chart showing live weight by date of Riversdale Fernando and Frank up to 1000 days of age in Northern Ireland off pasture raised conventionally

The steer with modest growth rate in this chart of live weight by age up to 1,000 days with the yellow colour is Fernando. He recorded 0.6 kg/day from birth to peak live weight of 678 kg at 34.6 months of age. After a growth spurt when silage had been topped up after inclement weather, there was probably inadequate maintenance energy over the next three months so he lost 76 kg when he was processed at 37 months of age. Despite this setback just before processing, his genomics and perfect growth profile during tissue development had laid down an ideal frame.

An agent told the producer that this steak was the highest marbling that he had seen in Northern Ireland. Sire is Trent Bridge F115 out of an embryo that was raised by Riversdale Wagyu in Northen Ireland from Itoshigefuji TF147, Itozurudoi TF151 and Itomoritaka over Lake Wagyu females so stronger in maternal traits.

Mid-parent EBV predictions appear to be quite harsh for Fernando when the chart is compared to the excellent marbling in the photograph after ageing. Trent Bridge F115 carcass traits have combined well with Maiden's maternal traits:

Chart of Riversdale Fernando mid-parent predicted EBVs

Trent Bridge F115 is Top 17% for EMA EBV and Maiden the dam is Bottom 3%. Fernando's retail cuts of fillet 4.5, ribeye 4.3, ribeye roast 5.6 and sirloin 13.1kg out of total retail weight of 221.9kg from a slaughter weight of 602kg is excellent. The weight of burgers was only 60kg so the lesser value cuts were depleted during the weight loss of 76kg prior to processing. Nevertheless, this is the best example of marbling in the region to date.

The same benefits from the pasture as from intensive grain finishing are obtained in markets where superior eating quality is recognised. It is easy for a sire to produce good results under perfect conditions, but Trent Bridge F115 has given exceptional results under harsh conditions from pasture. The high IMF% catches the eye but strong EMA is important over base breeds and fineness of marbling may be a key factor factor to reducing fat intrusions that are more common during crossbreeding.

Trent Bridge F115 semen is ideal for terminal beef production in both grain and grass finishing over Bos taurus breeds. The best base breeds in Germany are Fleckvieh, Gelbvieh, Charolais and Holstein/Friesian with their weight and milk while F115 brings marbling and carcass qualities together with fat cover over lean breeds.

Low birth weight EBV is another benefit making F115 better suited to open heifers too.

Availability of Trent Bridge F115 semen from Australia, Ireland and Frankfurt

Semen is availalable for domestic use in Australia through his breeders, Trent Bridge Wagyu.

In anticipation of demand in Europe this Spring, stock can also be purchased in Frankfurt, Germany or despatched from there through Germany and within Europe. Send an email enquiry to Uwe Jerathe for a price as he will quote for deliveries through Europe. Click here.

Semen is also held in Ireland for local use or despatch to UK and Europe. Contact Oliver O'Hanlon, click here.

Semen is accreditated for importation from Australia to USA, Canada, much of South and Central America, South Africa, Russia, New Zealand, Europe and much of Asia but not to China. Contact Wagyu International with export enquiry. Click here.

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